
General news related to EnzyQuest

  • ISO 13485

EnzyQuest Receives ISO 13485 Certification

EnzyQuest, a biotech start-up, focused on molecular biology products and related reagents across applications in academic and industrial research, has been granted ISO 13485:2016 certification for the design, development, manufacturing and distribution of molecular biology products for the development of in-vitro diagnostic devices.

The National Quality Assessment Center of Technology in Health successfully audited EnzyQuest’s Quality Management System and issued the ISO 13485:2016 to EnzyQuest along with ISO 9001:2015 and DY8/1348:2004, thus leveraging our quality systems to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers.”, states Dimitris Koutsioulis, C.E.O. of EnzyQuest. 

To read the full press release press here

For specific certification information visit EnzyQuest’s certifications page

2021-03-31T14:58:22+03:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: Achievements, Company|

EnzyQuest, member of a consortium awarded with €2.4M EU funding (H2020)

We are excited to announce that an eight-partner consortium (IRIS-COV), of which we are members, has been awarded an EU funding of €2.4 M (H2020-SCI-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2). The “IRIS-COV” project is one of the 23 to receive funding from a total of 454 submitted proposals.

The aim of the project is the market release of a portable device to carry out a combined test for SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A at the point-of-care (POC). EnzyQuest is actively engaged in manufacturing and large-scale production of reagent-kits. In addition to EnzyQuest, the consortium includes BIOPIX-T (Crete, Greece) which is the medical device designer, manufacturer and provider, IMBB-FORTH (Crete, Greece) which will coordinate the project, three hospitals in Europe (UCLH-UK, INSERM-France and ULB-Belgium) which will perform the clinical validations, one consulting company for the certification (PKNM-Switzerland) and an end-user in South Africa (Kiara Health).

2020-09-07T13:12:00+03:00September 3rd, 2020|Categories: Achievements, Company, Grants|

EnzyQuest signs commercial agreement with FO.R.T.H. 

EnzyQuest signs commercial agreement with FO.R.T.H. (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas) for exclusive commercial exploitation of more than 70 molecular biology products developed by the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB-FORTH).

The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) was founded in 1983. It is one of the largest research centers in Greece with well-organized facilities, highly qualified personnel and a reputation as a top-level research institution worldwide.

In 2019, FO.R.T.H. was ranked first (1st) among all Research Centers in Greece , 56th in Europe and 130th Internationally, out of 8,138 Research Centers worldwide, according to the Global “Ranking Web of Research Centers”.

2020-09-18T12:40:08+03:00January 1st, 2020|Categories: Achievements, Company|

EnzyQuest receives a VC fund from Uni.Fund 

EnzyQuest, receives a VC fund (400K €) from Uni.Fund, an EquiFund partner (EquiFund is an initiative created by the Hellenic Republic in cooperation with the European Investment Fund)​.

According to Uni.Fund, EnzyQuest is the first company that is active in the field of enzyme biotechnology in Southeast Europe. Having already 70 products in its portfolio, as well as a number of new ones under development, EnzyQuest enters dynamically on the world map, with a strong and innovative element of the identification and discovery of enzymes with new properties and pioneering applications by Extremophilic organisms, i.e. microorganisms that have developed enzymes that operate in extreme conditions (saltness, temperature, etc.). 

2020-09-18T12:36:48+03:00December 20th, 2019|Categories: Achievements, Company|
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