
Agarose for Molecular Biology, 500gr


Agarose for Molecular Biology is suitable for the rapid routine separation of DNA and RNA fragments, as well as for PCR products, plasmid preparation and for detection, cloning and transfer techniques.

price includes packaging & shipment cost

Special offer: 2 x AG001-500 (Please contact us for details)


For detailed product information please refer to the IFU

Product Details

Agarose for Molecular Biology is suitable for the rapid routine separation of DNA and RNA fragments, as well as for PCR products, plasmid preparation and for detection, cloning and transfer techniques.

Form: White powder

Quantity: 500 gr

Price: 240.00 €* (Vat in not included) per piece,

Special offer: 2 x AG001-500: 464.00 €* (Vat in not included)

*Including the shipment and packaging cost.   

Product Details

Storage: Store at Room Temperature


  • Easy dissolution and fast gelling
  • Excellent transparency and low background staining, which provides clear visibility of the bands
  • Sharp, well-defined bands​
  • Very low DNA fixation
  • Εlectroendosmosis value ≤0.13
Specifications and characteristicsAgarose for Molecular Biology
Moisture≤ 10%≤ 10%
Ash Content≤ 0.4%
Sulfate≤ 0.1%
Clarity 1.5 % (NTU)≤ 3
Gel Strength 1% (g/cm2)3 200≥ 1200
Gel Strength 1.5 % (g/cm2)0≥ 2500
Gelling Temperature 1.5 % (°C)1.536 ± 1.5
Melting Temperature 1.5 % (°C)1.588 ± 1.5
DNase / RNase ActivityNone Detected
Gel backgroundVery Low

Figure 1: Comparison of 1% Agarose for Molecular Biology with 1% Agarose of a competitor; 200 V; 50 min; 0.5 X TBE buffer. DNA bands in Enzyquest product exhibit sharper edges than Competitor A. In addition, no unspecific bands appeared in Agarose for Molecular Biology in contrast to that of Competitor A.

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