
dNTP mix 10mM each


EnzyQuest dNTP mix is a mixture of four nucleotides (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP) in pH 8.5. Each nucleotide is at a concentration of 10 mM. dNTP mix 10mM each is suitable for use in PCR/qPCR, reverse transcription, isothermal amplification, DNA labeling and DNA sequencing.


Product Details

EnzyQuest dNTP mix is a mixture of four nucleotides (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP) in pH 8.5. Each nucleotide is at a concentration of 10 mM. dNTP mix 10mM each is suitable for use in PCR/qPCR, reverse transcription, isothermal amplification, DNA labeling and DNA sequencing.

Form: Clear aqueous solution, pH 8.5

Purity: >99% pure (HPLC tested)

Molecular Weight:

     dATP: 491.18 g/mol (free acid),

     dCTP: 467.15 g/mol (free acid),

     dGTP: 507.18 g/mol (free acid),

     dTTP: 482.17 g/mol (free acid)

Storage: Store at -20oC

Functional Assays:

PCR: Enzyquest dNTP mix 10 mM each is tested for performance in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 1.25 units of Taq DNA polymerase to amplify a 5000-bp region of Lambda DNA using 20ng as substrate and a final concentration 0.2mM each dNTP, in 50 μl total reaction volume. The resulting PCR product is visualized as a single band on an midori green-stained agarose gel.

RT-PCR: Enzyquest dNTP mix 10 mM each is tested for performance in a first strand cDNA synthesis using 1μl dNTP mix and 500ng RNA as a substrate following by a PCR reaction as described on functional assay, PCR. The resulting 1600 bp PCR product is visualized as a single band on an midori green-stained agarose gel.

Quality controls:

Tested extensively for the absence of endo- and exodeoxyribonucleases. More details concerning quality controls could be found in Certificate of analysis.


dNTP mix 10mM each is guaranteed to maintain stability for twelve months from the date of shipment when stored as directed.

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